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Small vs. Large Dogs

Leaving your pet behind can be nerve-wracking, but before you consider cancelling your holiday plans, you must know that many boarding kennels are out there. Many of these are tried and tested, so you don’t have to worry about your babies when leaving them behind.

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Choosing a Boarding Kennel

Leaving your pet behind can be nerve-wracking, but before you consider cancelling your holiday plans, you must know that many boarding kennels are out there. Many of these are tried and tested, so you don’t have to worry about your babies when leaving them behind.


Do Yorkies Travel Well?

Unravelling the charm of travel becomes even more delightful with a furry companion by your side. One breed that often sparks curiosity among potential pet parents is the Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie.

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Most Common Cats In Puerto Rico

The harmonious coexistence between humans and felines dates back thousands of years. These lovable creatures have shared our homes and, over time, have established unique characteristics that suit their geographical locations. Among such diverse landscapes is Puerto Rico, a place of rich culture and unique feline inhabitants.

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How to Start Dog Breeding: Part 1

When preparing to breed a litter of puppies, it’s not simply about bringing two dogs together. It’s a meticulous process that involves ensuring the well-being of both the parent dogs and their future puppies.

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The world of pet breeding is not a casual endeavour – it’s a commitment and a responsibility. RPBA members are pet breeders who devote a great deal of time and effort to learning the important aspects of breeding. One significant aspect is preparing a male dog or cat to serve as a stud.

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What Is Involved in Studding?

The world of pet breeding is not a casual endeavour – it’s a commitment and a responsibility. RPBA members are pet breeders who devote a great deal of time and effort to learning the important aspects of breeding. One significant aspect is preparing a male dog or cat to serve as a stud.

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Dog Breeding Methods for Beginners

The practice of dog breeding requires careful decision-making, taking into account various factors such as genetics, health, breed traits, and the like. One of the most pivotal decisions for a breeder is the choice of breeding method.