The RPBA Guide to Keeping Your Dam Happy and Healthy

As a responsible pet owner, it is your responsibility to make sure that your breeding animals are happy and healthy. Dams require special care and attention to ensure they remain in the best condition possible. If you are looking to register as a dog breeder, being able to deliver the care your dam needs will be a key skill.

From knowing when and how to breed her, to understanding her nutrition needs and health care requirements, there are a lot of considerations that must be taken into account in order to keep a dam in top condition. We’ll take a look at some of the key elements needed for a successful breeding program with your female dog.

labrador lying down

How to Keep a Dam Happy and Healthy

Breeding Timing

The timing of when to breed your female dog is essential for producing a successful litter. It is important that she is not bred too early or too late as this can lead to problems with fertility or whelping complications. Generally speaking, most breeds reach reproductive maturity between nine and ten months of age, although some larger breeds may take longer. It is important to consult with your veterinarian about the best time for breeding based on the individual health and age of your female dog.


Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of keeping a breeding bitch in good health throughout her pregnancy and lactation period. Providing her with a high-quality diet specifically designed for pregnant or  dogs will help ensure she has all the nutrients she needs for optimal health and fertility. 

During pregnancy, additional calories may be necessary as puppies have higher nutritional demands than adult dogs; however, it is important not to overfeed as this can increase the risk of obesity or other health issues in both the mother and puppies. 

Health Care

Regular veterinary checkups are essential throughout any breeding program in order to identify any potential problems before they become serious issues. This will also help catch any problems that will make the dam unfit for breeding. Vaccinations should be kept up-to-date as well as heartworm prevention medications administered regularly according to your veterinarian’s instructions. 

Parasite control is also an important aspect of health care for breeding animals; dewormers should be given at least once every three months during the dog pregnancy time. Following these steps will help ensure that your pet remains in good health throughout her life. 


Exercise plays an important role in keeping your female dog physically fit prior to and after mating; however, it should be adjusted according to her stage in life cycle (i.e., no strenuous exercise prior or immediately after mating). Walking twice daily for 30 minutes each time should provide ample physical activity while still allowing enough rest periods between activities so that she does not become overly tired or stressed out. 


Socialisation is another key component in keeping your female dog happy and healthy throughout her life. Providing daily interactions with humans (especially those involved with the breeding process) helps reduce stress levels which can benefit both physical and psychological wellbeing during pregnancy and postpartum stages of life cycle development.

Introducing her to new environments on occasion can help keep her mentally stimulated. In case of an emergency you may need to bring your dog to the vet to continue delivery, which can be even more stressful for her. Making sure that she is familiar with the veterinarian’s office can help reduce anxiety levels associated with unfamiliar places. 


Creating a safe environment where your pet feels comfortable is also essential for their well-being. Make sure their bedding is kept clean regularly, remove any hazards from their living space (such as electrical cords), provide enough toys or chews so they don’t become bored easily, and ensure there are no potential escape routes outside. 

All of these factors contribute towards creating an environment where she feels physically, mentally and emotionally secure. 

Overall, there are many steps you can take towards ensuring that your female dog remains healthy before, during and after breeding processes which will ultimately result in improved outcomes for both mother and puppies alike. With proper nutrition, regular veterinary care examinations/treatments, adequate exercise/socialisation levels maintained throughout life cycle stages, you’ll have an increased chance at producing puppies that both improve the breed and make wonderful pets for their new owners.